My name is Jarrod L Perez, and I’m an independent comic book artist and writer working in Houston, Texas.
I’ve been making and self-publishing my own comics and books for 23 years now. This is a space where I share my process and progress of the work. If you or someone you know want to learn more about the comic making process this is the place for you. I post at least once a month, showcasing work-in-progress shots, sketches, finished pages, book covers, etc. From time to time I’ll also write and post about other things I’m into from thoughts on technology to the state of the world from my perspective.
I work for a large-scale printing company by day. I’m a big advocate of DIY stuff. I tinker with computers and electronics. I imbibe lots of music. And I also enjoy plants and gardening.

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I write, draw and create comics. Tinker with computers. Imbibe a lotta music.